Construction machinery used
Apart from our catalog of new construction machinery, we have a wide range of second-hand construction machinery or used construction machinery. In addition we manage shipments of our machinery worldwide.
All our second-hand construction machinery is ready to use and revised. Also if you are looking for second-hand construction machinery to do some specific work, we can help you
Machine specially designed for wet gunite spraying, self-leveling pumping, concrete...
Used construction machinery offers
Our second-hand construction machinery offer section is continually being renewed. We invite you to see the second-hand machines we offer, and if you do not find what you are looking for, tell us and we will help you find the solution that suits your needs.
We work with many references both in our online catalog and outside the web, we also have more than 30 years of experience in the construction machinery sector.
You can always contact us at our phone +34 644 333 266 or email